Canchon Azincourt

Ch'Canchon Azincourt obin Deo gratias Anglia ( in inglé Agincourt Carol, à mzure Agincourt Song obin Agincourt Hymn ) ch'est eune canchon inglése composèe à ch'cminchmint deuch XVe sièke, qui dvise deul batale Azincourt (1415), attendi qu'chés soudards inglés commindés per Hinri V i z'ont battu ch'ti-lo deuch roé d'Franche Charles VI, dins ch'Pas-Calés d'achteur. Innui ch'pus viule particion deul canchon al est ed'dins ch' Trinity Carol Roll, eun recueol eud trèsse canchons, wardé à l' bibiotèke Wren deuch Trinity College à Cambridge.

Paroles éditer

Facsimile du Agincourt Carol dins ch' Trinity Carol Roll
(Trinity MS O.3.58)
Facsimile du Selden Carol Book version du Agincourt Carol (15e sièke). ( Bodleian Library, Oxford )

Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!

Owre Kynge went forth to Normandy
With grace and myght of chyvalry
Ther God for hym wrought mervelusly;
Wherefore Englonde may call and cry
Deo gratias!
Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!
He sette sege, forsothe to say,
To Harflu towne with ryal aray;
That toune he wan and made afray
That Fraunce shal rewe tyl domesday.
Then went hym forth, owre king comely,
In Agincourt feld he faught manly;
Throw grace of God most marvelsuly,
He had both feld and victory.
Ther lordys, erles and barone
Were slayne and taken and that full soon,
Ans summe were broght into Lundone
With joye and blisse and gret renone.
Almighty God he keep owre kynge,
His peple, and alle his well-wyllynge,
And give them grace wythoute endyng;
Then may we call and savely syng: